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Ho Chi Minh Tips

Ho Chi Minh is the city you should visit in vietnam

Get ready to explore this crazy city. Follow our Ho Chi Minh Tips to make it easier. Wander around old Saigon crowded streets and fall in love with this hectic metropolis. Marked by the American War, Ho Chi Minh is also an interesting mix of French and Asian Cultures.

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old woman wearing a traditional vietnamese hat catch the attention of tourist in ho chi minh
Ho Chi Minh City

Basic Tips


You could call a Grab (e-taxi) to go from the airport to your accommodation and then use the app to move around the city.

logo grab the company to do urban trips in vietnam
Grab Taxi App


The rainy season is between May and October, but truth is it only rains in the afternoon and for short periods, usually for less than an hour . We were in Saigon in July and it seemed like a friendly weather in terms of rain, it’s just always hot.

Street Food.

Eat as much street food as you can. We received a folder with recommendations from a local and we share everything in this link: Street Food in Ho Chi Minh.


Ben Thanh Market.

Do some shopping or taste traditional dishes at (Cho) Ben Thanh Market. It has many good food stalls. You can buy souvenirs, but be ready to haggle. Usually the first price you get is at least double what they expect to receive.
market stall in cho ben thanh
Cho Ben Thanh in Saigon


Explore Chinatown and let yourself be amazed by the temples and pagodas. There are many pagodas to visit and they are all very interesting. Among the main ones we find: Ong Bon Pagoda, Tam Son Hoi Quan Pagoda, Quan Am Pagoda, Thien Hau Pagoda, Phuoc An Hoi Quan Pagoda. Get in as many pagodas as you can. The entrance to pagodas is free.
temple in chinatown in saigon vietnam
Temple in Chinatown, Saigon

Hindu Temple.

Visit Mariamman Hindu Temple. It was built in the 19th century in honor of the rain goddess Mariamman. It’s the only Hindu temple in the city, located close to Ben Thanh Market. Take off your shoes to get in and wear appropriate clothing.  Free entrance.
Mariamman Hindu Temple in ho chi minh vietnam
Mariamman Hindu Temple

Binh Tay market.

Discovered Binh Tay market, also known as Cho Lon market (big market). It is not a tourist attraction, but rather the place where Vietnamese go buy their food. Being there just watching around is an enriching cultural experience. It’s better to go there in the morning, when you can appreciate the activity in all its splendor.

Vietnam War Remnants Museum.

Learn about the war between Vietnam and United States at the Vietnam War Remnants Museum. It’s the largest museum on this subject. It’s very hard to visit their pavilions, you will be shocked. In fact, many people burst into tears when they see the atrocities committed during the war.

Reunification Palace.

An iconic building in the history of Vietnam. It served as a presidential residence and government building in South Vietnam until Vietnam’s reunification in 1975. You can visit almost all the rooms, even the basements that were used as bunkers.
Reunification Palace. An iconic building in the history of Vietnam
Reunification Palace

Saigon Central Post Office Building.

Send postcard from Saigon Central Post Office building. It was built in the late 19th century by Gustave Eiffel’s studio (yes, the same one that built the tower in Paris). Its architecture is impressive both inside and outside the building. And since it still works as a post office, it can be visited for free.
Post office building in ho chi minh
Ho Chi Minh Post Office

Notre Dame Saigon Cathedral.

We find this church right in front of the post office. Its construction was carried out by French settlers at the end of the 19th century, with materials brought from France. Free Entrance.
a repolic of notre dame, catholic church in ho chi minh
Notre Dame de Saigon in Ho Chi Minh

Ho Chi Minh People's Committee Building.

It was built by the French in 1898 to accommodate the “Hotel de Ville”, Saigon City’s local administration during colonial times. Today it’s a government building and cannot be visited. It’s located at the end of the Nguyen Hue pedestrian street, where you could also see a statue of Ho Chi Minh.
ho chi minh monument in saigon, behind teh statue is the city hall
Ho Chi Minh Statue in front of the City Hall

Opera House.

Another French style building from the end of the 19th century. A very beautiful building that encourages you to take several photos. It’s located in the city center near other attractions such as the Post Office Building, the Cathedral and the Popular Committee.
Opera house in Saigon, french style building
Opera House in Ho Chi Minh

Bùi Viên street.

Enjoy Vietnamese night on the lively Bùi Viên street. It’s a street full of bars, pedestrianized at night. Bars play music at a extemely high volume so it’s impossible to have a conversation even on the street. It’s a place frequently visited by tourists but also by locals.

Wander Around

Explore the city’s alleys and dead end streets. When you are walking around the city and see that a small street suddenly opens up out of nowhere, go there to see daily life in Ho Chi Minh. We went everywhere at any time and never had any security-related problem.

Cu Chi Tunnels.

The hyper famous tunnels used during the war against the US are located on the outskirts of the city. The most convenient option is to visit Cu Chi with a guided tour. The guide will teach about the places you’ll be visiting, revealing many details that you should not miss.

Mekong Delta.

If you want to see a bit of nature and the particular life of the islanders, you will have to take a boat trip to the delta. We recommend visiting the place with a guided tour, we hired one that included visiting Cu Chi tunnels and Mekong Delta.

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